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Download the Cowin vaccine certificate by mobile number

Eka care is the official partner of the government of India portal, to issue the Cowin vaccine certificate. Citizens who are partial (1st dose) or fully vaccinated (2nd dose) & booster dose can download a cowin vaccine certificate using their mobile number

Download CoWIN Vaccine Certificate

Enter your 10 digit number for CoWin Authentication
Save My Vaccination Certificate in Eka Health Locker and send me the link on Whatsapp
Approved By CoWIN
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CoWin Certificate
Download Cowin certificate by mobile number
From Eka care, official cowin portal of for certificate download Your Cowin Certificate will also be available in the eka care App for easy offline access.

Enter your mobile number

Download Cowin vaccine certificate

Cowin certificate is sent to your whatsapp number

What Our Users Say

Great app. I was unable to download the certificate from cowin. This app did the work in seconds.
Loved this app, I was unable to get Vaccination certificate through CoWin cowin was not sending OTP, but with help of Eka Care I got it just within a fraction of seconds. Thanks Eka Care. 🙂
Best app for cowin certificate
It's so easy to get certificate
Very nice app easily download vivid certificate
Useful app for downloading vaccination certificate
Very helpfull app, easily i got my vaccination certificate
Good good app for certificate
This app is very nice to donload certifiket
Great app,very Easy to download the certificate as well
I was unable to get my vaccination certificate for two doses...this is really amazing app. It resolved my issue in a second.

Cumulative number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered across states and union territories in India

Certificate NameCOVID-19 Vaccine Certificate
Certificate Issuing AuthorityGovernment Of India
Vaccine Name for CertificateCovishield & Covaxin & others
CoWIN certificate appEka care, Cowin
Fully Vaccinated People in India90 percent
Partially Vaccinated
Partially Vaccinated
Fully Vaccinated
Fully Vaccinated
12-14 Vaccinations
12-14 Vaccinations
15-17 Vaccinations
15-17 Vaccinations
18+ Vaccinations
18+ Vaccinations
Total Precaution Doses
Total Precaution Doses
Cowin Services
See our Cowin Vaccination Services
Download Vaccine certificate, Change Mobile Number on certificate or add vaccine details to passport!
Learn More
Change Mobile Number in Vaccine Certificate
Book Slots for Vaccination Registration
Download Your Vaccination Certificate
Link Passport, Aadhar with COWIN Certificate

Correct Cowin Vaccine Certificate details

Book your vaccination slot

  • Cowin provides the functionality to correct details in your Cowin Certificate related to Name, Age, Gender and Photo ID. You can merge two dose 1 certificates if you have received duplicate Cowin certificates.
  • Add passport number to your cowin certificate for international travel. Remove any unknown number registered into your Cowin account. Change mobile number or transfer registered members in your cowin certificate to another account.
  • Correct vaccination received date for Dose 1, Dose 2, Booster dose & precaution dose and can revoke vaccination status of Booster dose, dose 2 or dose 1 if it wrongly appears on your cowin certificate
  • For detailed guidelines on how to raise an issue, go to

Booster Dose | Precaution Dose Vaccine

Certificate Download by mobile number

  • You can not take a booster dose or precaution dose after six months of 2nd vaccination.
  • A booster dose or precaution dose certificate is available to download after taking the booster dose in the given schedule. You can download the certificate for Covaxin, Covishield and all other vaccines using a mobile number. +91-9972088103.

Eka care private & secure health locker

Importance Of Covid Vaccination Certificate

  • The COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate represents your protection and path towards normalcy. Download your COVID vaccine certificate PDF to maintain an accessible, instant record of your vaccination. This certificate is crucial for travel, accessing public spaces, and, most importantly, for your peace of mind. Ensure you have your COVID-19 vaccine certificate downloaded. With the vaccine certificate downloaded and instantly available, you further your commitment to health for yourself and your communities by holding this official proof of COVID vaccination.

Details of Cowin Certificate

What is CoWIN Vaccination Certificate?

  • The CoWIN Vaccine Certificate is an official digital record of your COVID-19 vaccination status. Issued via the central government's CoWIN portal, it signifies receipt of approved vaccines. You can now download your CoWIN certificate by accessing CoWIN to confirm your fully protected status and securely store it digitally. As events and travel resume, ensure you have this critical COVID-19 vaccination certificate at your fingertips that acts as proof.
  • Currently, vaccinated people are receiving a total of three certificates, which includes, First Dose certificate, a Second Dose certificate and a consolidated certificate. In case you have received your vaccination, securely download it with Eka.Care and keep it safe with file vault.
eka cares for India 24x7 Covid-19

CoWin application is the digital backbone for the vaccination drive in India. With scaling up of vaccination; the number of vaccination facilities and sessions has to be increased and managed effectively. The CoWin application will facilitate the citizen with an option to register and schedule the vaccination session online in Centers of their choice. The aim for all the citizens should be to complete the immunization process and attain herd immunity.

50Mn Downloads
30,000 Certificates
Covid-19 vaccine certificate

This page gives you complete information and addresses FAQs on your Cowin vaccine certificate and how to download it. Most public places now require citizens to show proof of a double dose vaccine certificate. With Eka Care you can easily download your booster dose certificate and 1st or 2nd dose vaccine certificate. If you are 12 - 14 years or 15 - 18 years old and have taken the Covid vaccine, you can also download your Cowin certificate from Eka Care.

Frequently Asked Questions

Government of India has started providing proof of covid vaccination to every Indian citizen who has completed 1st or 2nd dose of covid vaccine via vaccine self registration portal. This digital proof is the Cowin vaccine certificate. Cowin vaccine certificate contains information such as persons name, age, gender, verified ID, unique Health ID (if already created) and vaccination status (number of vaccine doses completed). Along with above information Cowin vaccine certificate also has your vaccination details such as which vaccine you have taken, Covishiled developed by the Serum Institute of India (SII) or Covaxin from Bharat Biotech, vaccine type, dose number, who vaccinated you and where did you get vaccinated. Cowin vaccine certificate also contains a QR code which can be used to verify if your Cowin vaccine certificate is genuine or fake.

With the rapid spread of the Omicron variant in the third wave of Covid-19 most of the Indian states & cities have made it mandatory to show your downloaded Cowin vaccine certificate of both vaccine doses for travel or entering to public places. As this Cowin vaccine certificate is issued by the government of India, it becomes an evidence to prove to an entity whether public or private that you have been fully vaccinated.

Cowin vaccine certificate or Covid-19 Vaccine certificate can be downloaded using Eka Care web or Eka care app on play store and app store. You can download your Cowin vaccine certificate in just 1 click with Eka care app and access it anytime without internet as well. You can download the Cowin vaccine certificate from other below options as well.

  • Eka Care (Highly recommended, used by over 15mn Indians)
  • Cowin website
  • Digilocker App
  • Umang app

Below are the steps using which you can download Cowin vaccine certificates from each of the above portals.

a. How to download a Cowin vaccine certificate using the Eka Care app?

Steps to download Cowin vaccine certificate from Eka care website (3 steps)

  1. Visit web
  2. Enter your phone number & verify it with OTP
  3. Receive your Cowin vaccine certificate on WhatsApp

Steps to download Cowin Vaccine certificate from Eka care app (3 steps)

  1. Download Eka care app on android or iPhone
  2. Enter your phone number & verify it with OTP
  3. Receive your Cowin vaccine certificate on eka care app

b. How to download the Cowin vaccine certificate from the Cowin website?

Steps to download Cowin vaccine certificate from Cowin website (5 steps)

  1. Visit cowin
  2. Signin/register
  3. Verify it with OTP
  4. Find certificate tab under your name
  5. Download the Cowin vaccine certificate

c. How to download a Cowin vaccine certificate using the Aarogya Setu app?

Steps to download Cowin vaccine certificate from Aarogya Setu app (5 steps)

  1. Download/open Aarogya Setu app
  2. Signin with your mobile number
  3. Click on the Cowin tab
  4. Clicks on the vaccine certificate option and enter your 13 digit beneficiary reference ID
  5. Download your Cowin vaccine certificate

d. How to download the Cowin vaccine certificate using the Digilocker app?

Steps to download Cowin Vaccine certificate using Digilocker app (6 steps)

  1. Download & install the Digilocker app from play store or app store
  2. Complete the registration on Digilocker app
  3. Click on central govt tab and find & click ministry of family health and welfare (MoFHW)
  4. Click on “Vaccine Certified”
  5. Click on Vaccine certificate
  6. Enter 13 digit reference ID & download Cowin Vaccine certificate

e. How to download the Cowin vaccine certificate using the Umang app?

Step to download Cowin Vaccine certificate using Umang app (6 steps)

  1. Download & install the Umang app from play store or app store
  2. Signin and search for “what’s new” section in the app
  3. Click on Cowin and select download vaccine certificate
  4. Enter mobile number and verify it with OTP
  5. Confirm the name of the person for which vaccine certificate needs to be downloaded
  6. Confirm the name and download the Cowin vaccine certificate

Cowin vaccine certificate is issued by govt of India for completion of 1st dose & 2nd dose of vaccine. As per, the institution which has administered you the Covid vaccine is responsible to provide you a printed copy of your provisional Cowin vaccine certificate. In case you have not received it from them, you can easily download the Cowin vaccine certificate from below portals by only using your mobile number that you have used while registering for vaccine 1st dose or vaccine 2nd dose. Portals from where you can download Cowin vaccine certificate using your mobile number are

  1. Eka care app or web
  2. Cowin website
  3. Aarogya setu app
  4. Digilocker app
  5. UMANG app

Once you have opened any of the above, follow below steps to download Cowin vaccine certificate using only your mobile numbers

  1. Enter your mobile number
  2. Verify with the OTP received
  3. Click on download Cowin vaccine certificate

Cowin vaccine certificate is now being asked by many institutions in your city and for entering into any public places like malls, shops or airports for travel. Every day millions of vaccine doses are administered to people across the ages in India. India currently ranks no:2 in the world for total Covid vaccine doses administered. Starting Jan 3. Covid-19 vaccine doses are now available to 15 - 18 age groups and starting Jan 10, vaccine booster doses are available for people above 60 years. As per data, over 149cr doses of vaccine were administered and 62cr people are given complete doses.

It is now very easy to download your Cowin vaccine certificate using your Aadhar number. All you have to do is open any of the below portals that provide the option to download Cowin vaccine certificate & follow below steps. Portals from where you can download Cowin vaccine certificate using your Aadhar number are

  1. Eka care app or web
  2. Cowin website
  3. Aarogya setu app
  4. Digilocker app
  5. UMANG app

Once you have opened any of the above, follow below steps to download Cowin vaccine certificate using only your mobile numbers

  1. Sign-in and verify the login details
  2. Verify with the OTP received
  3. Click on download Cowin vaccine certificate

Covid 2nd dose certificate can only be downloaded once you have received the 2nd dose covid vaccine. Once you have received the confirmation from the institution that they have updated your details on the Cowin portal, you will receive a confirmation SMS that your 2nd dose of covid vaccine is completed. Now all you have to do is open any of the below portals that provide the option to download Cowin vaccine certificate & follow below steps. Portals from where you can download covid 2nd dose certificate are

  1. Eka care app or web
  2. Cowin website
  3. Aarogya setu app
  4. Digilocker app
  5. UMANG app

Once you have opened any of the above, follow below steps to download Covid 2nd dose certificate using only your mobile number

  1. Signin and verify the login details
  2. Verify with the OTP received
  3. Click on download Cowin vaccine certificate has helped more than 15 million users to download and store their Cowing vaccine certificate. Through our app, users can access their certificates anytime, anywhere without internet connectivity. You can download the Eka care app & sign-up to get your Cowin vaccine certificate in the eka vault.

The process to update your current mobile number in the COVID-19 vaccine certificate is straightforward. Follow these steps to have a seamless process:

  • Login to your CoWIN account.
  • Verify your account with the OPT recieved.
  • Select the beneficiary for whom you want to update the phone number.
  • Enter the target phone number of the selected beneficiary.
  • Enter the six-digit code to verify your new number.

Once your new number is confirmed and updated, download the COVID certificate through your mobile number.

The CoWIN certificate is widely recognized as valid proof of vaccination for international travel. Most countries acknowledge the credibility of this official Indian COVID-19 vaccination record. However, specific requirements may vary across destinations. It is advisable to verify the latest international travel guidelines of the country being visited to confirm if the CoWIN certificate satisfies their vaccination documentation needs or if any additional norms apply.

Visit the official CoWIN page and log in. Opt for the 'Raise an Issue' option in the Dashboard and select the 'certificate correction' option. Provide the required details with supporting documents where the correction is needed and then submit the request. Once verified, it will be updated and notified to one's phone as well. 

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