Convert your phone to a heart rate monitor. Get an accurate heart rate every time using only your smartphone Camera. Download now
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How to check heart rate with your phone
Open/download the Eka care app.
Place your finger on the phone camera covering the flashlight.
Hold your finger steady till your heart rate measurement is complete.
Why Eka Care heart rate monitor app is the best?
Get Visual Analytics.
Store all previous pulse rates & see the longitudinal trends.
Accurate measurement.
Developed in collaboration with Father Muller Medical College. Get accurate heart rate measurements every time.
Recommended by doctors
Eka Care Heart rate monitor app review
1. Are the heart rate and pulse rate the same?
Although heart rate and pulse rate are commonly used interchangeably they are different medical concepts. Heart rate is the number of times your heart beats or contracts in a minute. Pulse is a waveform produced by contractions of your heart to the peripheral blood column and therefore an indirect measure of the number of times your heart beats. Pulse rate can be measured at various points in your body like the radial artery, brachial artery, or carotid artery, and in normal conditions can be taken as a measure of your heart rate.
2. Is Eka Care heart/pulse rate monitor app free?
Yes, the Eka Care heart/pulse rate monitor app is free of cost & ads-free for all users.
3. Why is measuring heart rate regularly significant?
Measuring your heart rate regularly, especially during a resting state, can improve your overall heart health understanding. This information is beneficial for identifying early signs of heart issues.
4. What is the best time to measure heart rate?
One should measure heart rate at regular intervals to create health trends, but it is essential to monitor it during two crucial times in a day.
Resting state - The resting state is a condition achieved by complete bed rest for at least 1 hour. Doctors recommend that you record your heart rate every day before getting out of bed in the morning, and this will help you understand the baseline of your heart health.
Exercise state - The exercise state is the condition just after you have finished your workout. Doctors recommend that you record your heart rate every time after a workout, and this will help you set the topline of your heart health.
5. What is the normal heart rate range in a resting state & during exercise?
The normal heart rate varies depending on the state of the body.
Normal heart rate for resting state - The normal pulse rate for the resting state is between 60 to 100 beats per minute. A pulse rate under 60 could mean you are physically fit. In contrast, a heart rate above 100 in the resting state indicates exposure to stress or an illness such as infection, heart arrhythmia, or an increased heart problem. A pulse rate under 50 in the resting state is also a cause for alarm, If you feel dizziness then you should consult with the doctor.
Normal heart rate during exercise - You can calculate the topline heart rate as 220 minus your age. So, if you are 40 years of age, then during exercise, your maximum heart rate should be 180 (220 - 40). The American Heart Association generally recommends a target heart rate of:
Moderate exercise intensity: 50% - 70% of your maximum heart rate
Vigorous exercise intensity: 70% - 85% of your maximum heart rate
What is the reasonable heart rate for my age?
Heart rate in different age groups
7. How accurate are the phone pulse rate monitor and heart rate monitors?
You can check your heart rate on your phone using the Eka Care heart rate monitor (pulse rate monitor), and it is free of cost and an ad-free app. You can also see all historically recorded readings & assess your heart health.
8. How can I check my heart rate on my phone?
You can check your heart rate on your phone using the Eka Care heart rate monitor app, and which is free of cost and an ad-free app. You can also see all historically recorded readings & assess your heart health.
9. I am not able to measure the heart rate on my phone. What can I do?
Please follow the below steps for troubleshooting
Install the latest version of the Eka Care app from the play store
Place the finger on your back camera covering the flashlight
Keep your finger steady till the measurement is complete
If you are still not able to measure the heart rate, please get in touch with