Pune has recorded over 100 confirmed Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) cases, prompting an intensive investigation into the source of this rare but serious neurological disorder. Of the 101 patients reported so far, 16 are on ventilator support.
Initial surveillance pinpointed contaminated water and unclean food as primary factors. Laboratory tests revealed Norovirus and Campylobacter jejuni in several patient stool samples, both known to spread via contaminated sources. Meanwhile, routine blood tests for dengue, zika, and chikungunya have come back negative.
The Maharashtra health department is closely monitoring water quality, sending samples for chemical and biological analysis. Infrastructure shortfalls such as inadequate water pipelines, have forced residents in affected areas to rely on private tankers, further elevating the risk of contamination.
Age distribution data indicate that GBS is affecting individuals across demographics: nearly one-fifth of the cases are in children under 9 years, while others span from young adults to seniors up to 80 years old.
The Neurological Society of Pune urges calm:
“In light of several cases surfacing for GBS, the Neurological Society of Pune, in a public alert, urged people not to panic and reassured them that the neurological disorder is a ‘treatable condition.”
A suspected GBS-related death has also been reported in Solapur, with unconfirmed reports suggesting a link to recent travel from Pune. The state health department is investigating additional suspected cases in and around the city to curb further spread.