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Dr. Vandana Mishra

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Dr. Vandana Mishra

Dr. Vandana Mishra

Arthritis And Obesity Patients in Lucknow, India
Video Consultation
In-clinic visits
30 yrs
Overall Experience
English | हिंदी
About the doctor
Kanchankaya Wellness Village is a unique health and wellness world-renowned Institution focused on bringing well-being through the 5 elements - Air, Water, Earth, Space & Fire. As a 40 year old health and wellness Institution, we believe in natural healing through Yoga, Naturopathy and Acupressure. Founded by world-renowned Naturopaths Dr Satyendra Mishra & Dr Vandana Mishra, the Institute has had a history of more than 500,000 successful treatments across 50+ lifestyle diseases, birth ailments, old-age problems, muscular and bone ailments and nervous and mental ailments. Awarded by the Govt. of India, the wellness centre is an inspiration 100+ naturopathy centres across India. We make Health - Natural & Affordable. Namaste!
Arthritis and Obesity patients
Commonly treats
Sciatic neuralgia
Lumbar spondylosis
Cirrhosis of liver
Cervical pain
Kanchankaya Naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure center
30,a Kanchan jata Naturopathy and yoga center.Ashutoshnagar Krishna nagar lko., lucknow, uttar pradesh, India, 226023
Mon - Sat :
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM 
Payment Modes Accepted:
Covid Protocols:
appointment required
mask required
staff get temperature check
staff require to disinfect surfaces between visits
staff wear mask
Clinic Amenities:
wheelchair accessible elevator
Payment Modes Accepted:
Covid Protocols:
appointment required
mask required
staff get temperature check
staff require to disinfect surfaces between visits
staff wear mask
Clinic Amenities:
wheelchair accessible elevator
Awards & Publications
UP Best Naturopath Award , 2004
Educational Qualifications
FNC.. - 2007
BSc. - 2004
Navayug degree College
PGDNYSc. - 2004
Lucknow University
Invite Code
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Google Reviews

1 month ago
I had been suffering from severe knee pain......... Thank you to the entire team and Vandana maam for your support and pain almost vanished because of your treatment I am able to walk without any pain.....Your exercises and naturopathy treatment are just excellent. Will highly recommend kanchakaya naturopathy to everyone for their healthy lives.
Preetiarora Chadha
Preetiarora Chadha
4 months ago
It's a wonderful place...Vandana ma' like a mentor who shows you a spiritual way to life...takes you back to basics and teach you how to come out of vices of this world and co ..operating staff .
4 months ago
Madhulika Singh
Madhulika Singh
6 months ago
I was suffering from fatty liver , weak legs and dizziness since last 2.5 years. I have been taking treatment for one month now and there is much relief in my legs and my liver is working fine now. If any doctor is not able to treat you right and you dont know what to do than take treatment here. Vandana ji here is excellent and well behaved lady who owns this place. So grateful to be part of this family.
Pushplata Singh
Pushplata Singh
8 months ago
Very effective treatment for arthritis and spondylitis by naturopathy and physiotherapy... I am very satisfied
1 year ago
Very good felings I m so happy😊 I have taken a yoga class and I feel very good.
neha dwivedi
neha dwivedi
1 year ago
Naturopathy is very good 💯💯
Kushank Verma
Kushank Verma
1 year ago
If you have problem then there is yoga pose for it. I attended yoga class and within first 3 days of class, i healed 90%. They say eat 4 almond, 2 walnuts, 12-15 raisins all soasked overnight (except walnut) in morning then come to yoga. Its been a year living healthy lifestyle. Thanks Vandana mam and Ram sir. Sorry... im writing this review too late almost a year later.
Geeta Raitani
Geeta Raitani
1 year ago
The best thing I like about this center is there one to one assistance, they cure for problem on one to one basis rather than taking a group all together, like othe yoga institutes do. Finding much difference in myself. Simply love the place and highly recommend it.
Bhawana Shukla
Bhawana Shukla
1 year ago
Very good tharepy &yoga centre. Realy it is devine

Frequently Asked Questions

Which area does Dr. Vandana Mishra practice?

Dr. Vandana Mishra is a Arthritis and Obesity patients practicing in Lucknow.

Why do patients visit Dr. Vandana Mishra?

Patients consult Dr. Vandana Mishra for the treatment of Sciatic neuralgia, Osteoarthritis, Obesity, Lumbar spondylosis, Cirrhosis of liver, Diabetes, Arthritis, Cervical pain, Constipated.

What is Dr. Vandana Mishra's specialization?

Dr. Vandana Mishra specializes in the treatment of Sciatic neuralgia, Osteoarthritis, Obesity, Lumbar spondylosis, Cirrhosis of liver, Diabetes, Arthritis, Cervical pain, Constipated.

What is Dr. Vandana Mishra education qualification?

Dr. Vandana Mishra is a Arthritis and Obesity patients by training and has completed her FNC.. from IGNOU in 2007, BSc. from Navayug degree College in 2004, PGDNYSc. from Lucknow University in 2004.

What is the address of Dr. Vandana Mishra's clinic?

Dr. Vandana Mishra currently practices at Kanchankaya Naturopathy, Yoga and Acupressure center which is located at: 30,a Kanchan jata Naturopathy and yoga center.Ashutoshnagar Krishna nagar lko., Lucknow

How many years of experince Dr. Vandana Mishra have?

Dr. Vandana Mishra has over 30 years of clinical experience.

How to book Dr. Vandana Mishra Arthritis and Obesity patients appointment?

To book an appointment with Dr. Vandana Mishra, you can book an online appointment with Eka Care or visit her clinic offline at: 30,a Kanchan jata Naturopathy and yoga center.Ashutoshnagar Krishna nagar lko., Lucknow

Can I book Dr. Vandana Mishra for online counsultation?

Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Vandana Mishra. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.

What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Vandana Mishra?

The consultation fee for Dr. Vandana Mishra may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.

What are the consultation timings of Dr. Vandana Mishra for an appointment?

The consultation timings for Dr. Vandana Mishra may vary depending on the location and type of consultation. You can check her availability on her appointment calendar for booking a slot.

Her general consultation hours are:

Mon - Sat
08:00 AM - 09:00 PM

What languages are spoken by Dr. Vandana Mishra?

Dr. Vandana Mishra is fluent in English and हिंदी.
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