Which area does Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar practice?
Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar is a Orthopedician practicing in Hyderabad.
Why do patients visit Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar?
Patients consult Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar for the treatment of GENU VALGUM, absces, Tendonitis of hand, Tendonitis of wrist, Enthesopathy of elbow, Achilles degeneration, Contusion of knee, Achilles tendon contracture, Pathological fracture of femur, Medial meniscus, posterior horn derangement, Fracture of radius AND ulna, Fracture of hip, Acquired valgus deformity of left ankle, Cubital tunnel syndrome, Tibialis tendinitis, Infection of carpal bone, Osteomyelitis of lower leg, Closed fracture of shaft of humerus, Accessory hallux, Congenital trigger thumb, Scaphoid-lunate synostosis, Humeroulnar synostosis, Gout, Fracture of arm, Enthesopathy, Bone disease, Trigger thumb of right hand, Fracture of distal phalanx of finger, Vitamin B12 deficiency, Nonunion of fracture, Gouty arthropathy, Osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum, Bone cyst, Avascular necrosis of capitellum, Hypertrophic nonunion of fracture, Fracture of shaft of tibia, Fracture of patella, Atrophic nonunion of fracture, Enthesopathy of ankle AND/OR tarsus, Closed fracture of internal epicondyle of humerus, Achilles tendinitis, Tendonitis of foot, Fracture malunion, Primary gout, Acquired unequal leg length, Bone infection, Osteoporosis, Patellar tendonitis, Chronic osteomyelitis of carpal bone, OA - Osteoarthritis, Open fracture of finger, Achilles bursitis, Finger injury, Tendon contracture, Fracture of thumb, de Quervain's disease, Pathological fracture of humerus, Closed fracture of femur, Congenital leg length discrepancy, Diabetic foot ulcer, Implant screw fracture, Achilles tendinopathy, Arthritis of elbow, Trigger thumb of left hand, Tibial aplasia and ectrodactyly syndrome, Forearm fracture, Elbow injury, Forearm injury, Knee injury, Fracture, Open wound of forearm, Open wound of foot, Fracture of tibia AND fibula, Right lateral epicondylitis, Acquired varus deformity of wrist, Plantar fascial fibromatosis, Golfer's elbow, Ruptured Achilles tendon - traumatic, Arm length inequality, Closed fracture distal humerus, lateral epicondyle, Closed fracture distal humerus, capitellum, Open fracture distal humerus, capitellum, Closed fracture of radius AND ulna, Open fracture scaphoid, proximal pole, Open fracture scaphoid, waist, transverse, Open fracture scaphoid, tuberosity, Open fracture of one or more phalanges of hand, Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part, Closed fracture of shaft of femur, Fracture of humerus, Open fracture of phalanx of foot, Closed fracture of femoral condyle of femur, Enthesopathy of knee, Closed fracture of carpal bone, Ankylosing spondylitis, Acquired right cubitus varus, Stress fracture of tibia, Dislocated patella, Fracture of distal end of radius, Fracture of distal end of radius and ulna, Subtrochanteric fracture of femur, Closed fracture of femur, distal end, Fracture of femoral condyle, Closed fracture of the distal humerus, Vitamin D deficiency, Fracture of condyle of tibia, Fracture of tibial plateau, Fracture of shaft of femur, Fracture of ulna, Acquired cubitus valgus, Sprain of knee, Tendonitis, Tenosynovitis, Intertrochanteric fracture, ACL sprain, Periarthritis of shoulder, Osteomalacia, Fracture of carpal bone, Ulnar nerve palsy, Acquired left cubitus varus, Osteochondritis dissecans, Trigger thumb, Closed fracture of the scaphoid, Congenital trigger finger and trigger thumb, Closed fracture of shaft of radius and/or ulna, Rupture of Achilles tendon, Open fracture of the scaphoid, Short stature, Acquired valgus deformity of limb, Acquired varus deformity of limb, Osteomyelitis of ankle and foot, Nonunion of bone graft, Nonunion of clavicle fracture, Cellulitis, Osteosarcoma, Disease of knee, Morton's toe, Congenital cubitus valgus, Injury of ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), Dislocation of glenohumeral joint, Delayed union of fracture, Pulled elbow, Closed fracture of humerus, Foot callus, Fracture of ankle, Tennis toe, Hand dermatitis, Acquired cubitus varus, Acquired valgus deformity of hip joint, Humero-radio-ulnar fusion, Bursitis of foot region, Enthesopathy of foot region, Rheumatic gout, Bone necrosis, Breakage of intramedullary nail, Loosening of intramedullary nail, Prominence of intramedullary nail, Ulna fibula ray defect and brachydactyly syndrome, Infected intramedullary nail, Infection of bone graft, Infection of bone of hand, Fracture of femur, Bursitis, Fracture of scaphoid bone, Fracture of tibia, Carpal canal, ACL - Anterior cruciate ligament deficiency, ACL - Anterior cruciate ligament rupture, Osteoarthritis of knee, Endemic generalized osteo-arthrosis, Bursitis of shoulder, Triggering of digit, Ischial bursitis, Infection of total knee joint prosthesis, Elbow fracture, Loosening of total hip replacement, Loosening of unicondylar knee replacement, Loosening of total knee replacement, Bending of intramedullary nail, Acquired valgus deformity of wrist, Fracture of clavicle, Leg length inequality, Effusion of knee, Osteomyelitis, Non-union after arthrodesis, Fracture of hand, Tennis elbow, Tibialis posterior tendinitis, Plantar fasciitis, Deformity of bone, Tenosynovitis of foot, Congenital cubitus varus, Enthesopathy of wrist and carpus, nos, Juvenile osteochondrosis of capitellum of humerus, Epicondylitis, Length-dependent peripheral neuropathy, Bone loss, Open fracture of femoral condyle of femur, Tendonitis of finger, Valgus angulation, Varus angulation, Lengthened bone, Elbow joint instability, Coxa valga, Knee deformed, Bone pain, Pain in female pelvis, Valgus wrist, Elbow ache, Knee gives way, Tendon triggering, Neck pain, Coccygalgia, Tibial torsion, Knee stiff, Callus of bone, Short for age, Pain in back, Low back ache, Carpal instability, Knee ache.
What is Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar's specialization?
Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar specializes in the treatment of GENU VALGUM, absces, Tendonitis of hand, Tendonitis of wrist, Enthesopathy of elbow, Achilles degeneration, Contusion of knee, Achilles tendon contracture, Pathological fracture of femur, Medial meniscus, posterior horn derangement, Fracture of radius AND ulna, Fracture of hip, Acquired valgus deformity of left ankle, Cubital tunnel syndrome, Tibialis tendinitis, Infection of carpal bone, Osteomyelitis of lower leg, Closed fracture of shaft of humerus, Accessory hallux, Congenital trigger thumb, Scaphoid-lunate synostosis, Humeroulnar synostosis, Gout, Fracture of arm, Enthesopathy, Bone disease, Trigger thumb of right hand, Fracture of distal phalanx of finger, Vitamin B12 deficiency, Nonunion of fracture, Gouty arthropathy, Osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum, Bone cyst, Avascular necrosis of capitellum, Hypertrophic nonunion of fracture, Fracture of shaft of tibia, Fracture of patella, Atrophic nonunion of fracture, Enthesopathy of ankle AND/OR tarsus, Closed fracture of internal epicondyle of humerus, Achilles tendinitis, Tendonitis of foot, Fracture malunion, Primary gout, Acquired unequal leg length, Bone infection, Osteoporosis, Patellar tendonitis, Chronic osteomyelitis of carpal bone, OA - Osteoarthritis, Open fracture of finger, Achilles bursitis, Finger injury, Tendon contracture, Fracture of thumb, de Quervain's disease, Pathological fracture of humerus, Closed fracture of femur, Congenital leg length discrepancy, Diabetic foot ulcer, Implant screw fracture, Achilles tendinopathy, Arthritis of elbow, Trigger thumb of left hand, Tibial aplasia and ectrodactyly syndrome, Forearm fracture, Elbow injury, Forearm injury, Knee injury, Fracture, Open wound of forearm, Open wound of foot, Fracture of tibia AND fibula, Right lateral epicondylitis, Acquired varus deformity of wrist, Plantar fascial fibromatosis, Golfer's elbow, Ruptured Achilles tendon - traumatic, Arm length inequality, Closed fracture distal humerus, lateral epicondyle, Closed fracture distal humerus, capitellum, Open fracture distal humerus, capitellum, Closed fracture of radius AND ulna, Open fracture scaphoid, proximal pole, Open fracture scaphoid, waist, transverse, Open fracture scaphoid, tuberosity, Open fracture of one or more phalanges of hand, Open fracture proximal femur, intertrochanteric, two part, Closed fracture of shaft of femur, Fracture of humerus, Open fracture of phalanx of foot, Closed fracture of femoral condyle of femur, Enthesopathy of knee, Closed fracture of carpal bone, Ankylosing spondylitis, Acquired right cubitus varus, Stress fracture of tibia, Dislocated patella, Fracture of distal end of radius, Fracture of distal end of radius and ulna, Subtrochanteric fracture of femur, Closed fracture of femur, distal end, Fracture of femoral condyle, Closed fracture of the distal humerus, Vitamin D deficiency, Fracture of condyle of tibia, Fracture of tibial plateau, Fracture of shaft of femur, Fracture of ulna, Acquired cubitus valgus, Sprain of knee, Tendonitis, Tenosynovitis, Intertrochanteric fracture, ACL sprain, Periarthritis of shoulder, Osteomalacia, Fracture of carpal bone, Ulnar nerve palsy, Acquired left cubitus varus, Osteochondritis dissecans, Trigger thumb, Closed fracture of the scaphoid, Congenital trigger finger and trigger thumb, Closed fracture of shaft of radius and/or ulna, Rupture of Achilles tendon, Open fracture of the scaphoid, Short stature, Acquired valgus deformity of limb, Acquired varus deformity of limb, Osteomyelitis of ankle and foot, Nonunion of bone graft, Nonunion of clavicle fracture, Cellulitis, Osteosarcoma, Disease of knee, Morton's toe, Congenital cubitus valgus, Injury of ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), Dislocation of glenohumeral joint, Delayed union of fracture, Pulled elbow, Closed fracture of humerus, Foot callus, Fracture of ankle, Tennis toe, Hand dermatitis, Acquired cubitus varus, Acquired valgus deformity of hip joint, Humero-radio-ulnar fusion, Bursitis of foot region, Enthesopathy of foot region, Rheumatic gout, Bone necrosis, Breakage of intramedullary nail, Loosening of intramedullary nail, Prominence of intramedullary nail, Ulna fibula ray defect and brachydactyly syndrome, Infected intramedullary nail, Infection of bone graft, Infection of bone of hand, Fracture of femur, Bursitis, Fracture of scaphoid bone, Fracture of tibia, Carpal canal, ACL - Anterior cruciate ligament deficiency, ACL - Anterior cruciate ligament rupture, Osteoarthritis of knee, Endemic generalized osteo-arthrosis, Bursitis of shoulder, Triggering of digit, Ischial bursitis, Infection of total knee joint prosthesis, Elbow fracture, Loosening of total hip replacement, Loosening of unicondylar knee replacement, Loosening of total knee replacement, Bending of intramedullary nail, Acquired valgus deformity of wrist, Fracture of clavicle, Leg length inequality, Effusion of knee, Osteomyelitis, Non-union after arthrodesis, Fracture of hand, Tennis elbow, Tibialis posterior tendinitis, Plantar fasciitis, Deformity of bone, Tenosynovitis of foot, Congenital cubitus varus, Enthesopathy of wrist and carpus, nos, Juvenile osteochondrosis of capitellum of humerus, Epicondylitis, Length-dependent peripheral neuropathy, Bone loss, Open fracture of femoral condyle of femur, Tendonitis of finger, Valgus angulation, Varus angulation, Lengthened bone, Elbow joint instability, Coxa valga, Knee deformed, Bone pain, Pain in female pelvis, Valgus wrist, Elbow ache, Knee gives way, Tendon triggering, Neck pain, Coccygalgia, Tibial torsion, Knee stiff, Callus of bone, Short for age, Pain in back, Low back ache, Carpal instability, Knee ache.
What is Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar education qualification?
Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar is a Orthopedician by training and has completed his Fellowship from FELLOW IN ARTHROPLASTY in 2003, FELLOW IN FOOT AND ANKLE DEFORMITY AND DISEASES from IVANOVO STATE MEDICAL ACADEMY in 2002 and MBBS.
What is the address of Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar's clinic?
How many years of experince Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar have?
Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar has over 22 years of clinical experience.
How to book Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar Orthopedician appointment?
To book an appointment with Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar, you can book an online appointment with
Can I book Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar for online counsultation?
Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.
What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar?
The consultation fee for Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.
What are the consultation timings of Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar for an appointment?
The consultation timings for Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar may vary depending on the location and type of consultation. You can check his availability on his appointment calendar for booking a slot.
His general consultation hours are:
What languages are spoken by Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar?
Dr. Pappuu Rajasekkhar is fluent in English, हिंदी and తెలుగు.