Which area does Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria practice?
Why do patients visit Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria?
Patients consult Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria for the treatment of Abuse of steroids, Heart attack, Allergic conjunctivitis, Anaemia, Low bp, Erectile dysfunction, Tonsillitis, Sciatica, IBS - Irritable bowel syndrome, Gout, Kidney disease, Parkinson disease, Steroid-induced diabetes, Tonsil stone, Sinusitis, Liver carcinoma, Allergic eczema, Itchy skin eruption, Heart block, Colitis, Ulcerative colitis, Migraine, Chikungunya fever, Degenerative arthritis, Viral disease, Allergic rhinitis, Diabetic foot ulcer, Bp (blood pressure) problem, Dengue fever, Chicken pox, Itching of vagina, Large liver, Gallbladder stones, Dermatitis, Liver cancer, Psoriasis, Infertile male syndrome, Insomnia, Ligament rupture, Stone in pelviureteric junction, Abscess of liver, Mental disease, Gastritis, Pcod / pcos, Ulcer, Skin disease, Kidney stone, Alopecia areata, Fever after vaccination, Hepatitis, Fissure in ano, Piles, Asthma, Cervical spine degeneration, Infection by Salmonella Typhi, Eczema, Bladder stone, Hair loss disorder, Acne keloid, Degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc, Bacterial disease, RhA - Rheumatoid arthritis, Ureteric stone, Female pattern baldness, Trifacial neuralgia, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Sleep problem, Male pattern alopecia, Inflamed skin, Cancer, Degenerative joint disease of knee, Allergic asthma, Fistula in ano, Liver cirrhosis, Diabetes, Keloid, Disc prolapse, Arthritis, Diabetes mellitus type 1, Feeling low, Poor sleep, Grey hair, Thyroid disorder, Hair loss, Cough, Seizure, High bp, Digestive system reflux, Stomach ache, Mental health problem, Head ache, Jaw pain, Ankle pain, Hiccough, Thigh ache, Infertile, Food allergy, Irregular menstrual bleeding, Blood in urine, Sleep disturbed, Scalp itchy, Low blood sugar, Pain around the neck, Constipation, Nasal deviation, Fever, Breathing problem, Irregular heart beat, Pain all over body, Nasal block, Pus in urine, Irregular bowel habits, High blood sugar, Ear ache, Allergy, Falling hair, Heartburn, Sexual dysfunction, Pain in back, Premature ejaculation, Itchy, Paralysis, Lower back ache, Pain abdomen in pregnancy, Discoloration of skin, Acne vulgaris, Knee ache, Fever, Cold.
What is Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria's specialization?
Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria specializes in the treatment of Abuse of steroids, Heart attack, Allergic conjunctivitis, Anaemia, Low bp, Erectile dysfunction, Tonsillitis, Sciatica, IBS - Irritable bowel syndrome, Gout, Kidney disease, Parkinson disease, Steroid-induced diabetes, Tonsil stone, Sinusitis, Liver carcinoma, Allergic eczema, Itchy skin eruption, Heart block, Colitis, Ulcerative colitis, Migraine, Chikungunya fever, Degenerative arthritis, Viral disease, Allergic rhinitis, Diabetic foot ulcer, Bp (blood pressure) problem, Dengue fever, Chicken pox, Itching of vagina, Large liver, Gallbladder stones, Dermatitis, Liver cancer, Psoriasis, Infertile male syndrome, Insomnia, Ligament rupture, Stone in pelviureteric junction, Abscess of liver, Mental disease, Gastritis, Pcod / pcos, Ulcer, Skin disease, Kidney stone, Alopecia areata, Fever after vaccination, Hepatitis, Fissure in ano, Piles, Asthma, Cervical spine degeneration, Infection by Salmonella Typhi, Eczema, Bladder stone, Hair loss disorder, Acne keloid, Degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc, Bacterial disease, RhA - Rheumatoid arthritis, Ureteric stone, Female pattern baldness, Trifacial neuralgia, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Sleep problem, Male pattern alopecia, Inflamed skin, Cancer, Degenerative joint disease of knee, Allergic asthma, Fistula in ano, Liver cirrhosis, Diabetes, Keloid, Disc prolapse, Arthritis, Diabetes mellitus type 1, Feeling low, Poor sleep, Grey hair, Thyroid disorder, Hair loss, Cough, Seizure, High bp, Digestive system reflux, Stomach ache, Mental health problem, Head ache, Jaw pain, Ankle pain, Hiccough, Thigh ache, Infertile, Food allergy, Irregular menstrual bleeding, Blood in urine, Sleep disturbed, Scalp itchy, Low blood sugar, Pain around the neck, Constipation, Nasal deviation, Fever, Breathing problem, Irregular heart beat, Pain all over body, Nasal block, Pus in urine, Irregular bowel habits, High blood sugar, Ear ache, Allergy, Falling hair, Heartburn, Sexual dysfunction, Pain in back, Premature ejaculation, Itchy, Paralysis, Lower back ache, Pain abdomen in pregnancy, Discoloration of skin, Acne vulgaris, Knee ache, Fever, Cold.
What is Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria education qualification?
Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria is a PARAYANI NADI VAIDYA AYURVEDACHARYA PANCHKARMA SPECIALIST by training and has completed his BAMS.
What is the address of Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria's clinic?
Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria currently practices at SHREE HARIPRIYA AYURVEDAM which is located at: 1st floor Greenhouse , Doctor House,, Opp.gayatri Mandir, Highway, Deesa, Opp.gayatri Mandir, Highway, Deesa, Bhachalva
How many years of experince Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria have?
Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria has over 9 years of clinical experience.
To book an appointment with Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria, you can book an online appointment with
Eka Care or visit his clinic offline at: 1st floor Greenhouse , Doctor House,, Opp.gayatri Mandir, Highway, Deesa, Opp.gayatri Mandir, Highway, Deesa, Bhachalva
Can I book Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria for online counsultation?
Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.
What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria?
The consultation fee for Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.
What are the consultation timings of Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria for an appointment?
The consultation timings for Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria may vary depending on the location and type of consultation. You can check his availability on his appointment calendar for booking a slot.
His general consultation hours are:
What languages are spoken by Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria?
Dr. Vaidya Pavan Sutaria is fluent in English, ગુજરાતી, हिंदी, ಕನ್ನಡ and संस्कृत.