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Dr. Swati singh

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Dr. Swati singh

Dr. Swati singh

Cardiologist in Gurugram, India
Chief interventional cardiologist
In-clinic visits
15 yrs
Overall Experience
English | हिंदी
About the doctor
I Completed my MBBS, MD internal medicine and DM Cardiology from prestigious collages. I'm proficient in treating and managing cardiac disease patients. I perform coronary interventions, pacemakers, AICD, peripheral angiography and angioplasty, echocardiography TMT's and Holter test. I my patient group includes patients with heart failure, rhythm disorders, heart attack, peripheral arterial disease. I practise in meditrina heart centre as interventional cardiologist and hold my opds there too. You can also consult me via teleconsultation.
Commonly treats
Heart attack
Disorder of heart rhythm
Heart failure
Myocardial infarction
Chest pain
haryana medical councils
Horizon heart
Sector 49, gurgaon, haryana, India, 122001
Mon - Sat :
02:00 PM - 08:00 PM 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM 
Sun :
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 
Meditree polyclinic
Meditree polyclinic, gurgaon, haryana, India, 122018
Mon - Sat :
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM 
Sun :
11:00 AM - 01:00 PM 
Payment Modes Accepted:
Credit/Debit Cards
Covid Protocols:
appointment required
Clinic Amenities:
wheelchair accessible entrance
Payment Modes Accepted:
Credit/Debit Cards
Covid Protocols:
appointment required
Clinic Amenities:
wheelchair accessible entrance
Senior Consultant Cardiologist , 2021 - Present
Meditrina heart centre
Junior Consultant Cardiology , 2020 - 2021
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital
Educational Qualifications
DM Cardiology - 2017
AIIMS New Delhi
Invite Code
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Google Reviews

Kunal Sharma
Kunal Sharma
1 year ago
Best doctor
Nitish Rai
Nitish Rai
1 year ago
Very knowledgeable...always treating her patients with a smile reducing their of the best it town.
Priyamwada Singh
Priyamwada Singh
1 year ago
One of the best cardiologist in the area.
Rehmanul Haq
Rehmanul Haq
1 year ago
She is amazing doctor .
gaurav gulati
gaurav gulati
1 year ago
One of the best Cardiologist in the town. So much knowledgeable and very nice nature. Best doctor!
shruti singh
shruti singh
2 years ago
She is an Excellent Doctor , and simple Human being, Sober, approachable, friendly approach with smiling face with his selfless service.
priya a
priya a
2 years ago
Exceptional services Great doctor Very very humble
Poonam Singh
Poonam Singh
2 years ago
She is a very doctor and understand the problem of patient very well.
Pawan JAIN
Pawan JAIN
2 years ago
Great experience and good doctor
Ashok Ahuja
Ashok Ahuja
2 years ago
Dr. Swati Singh is one of the best cardiologist in Gurgaon. My opinion for all, if you and your near and dears have any kind of heart disease so book your appointment with Dr. Swati Singh and get best advice for your HEART.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which area does Dr. Swati singh practice?

Dr. Swati singh is a Cardiologist practicing in Gurgaon.

Why do patients visit Dr. Swati singh?

Patients consult Dr. Swati singh for the treatment of Heart attack, Disorder of heart rhythm, Heart failure, Myocardial infarction, Chest pain.

What is Dr. Swati singh's specialization?

Dr. Swati singh specializes in the treatment of Heart attack, Disorder of heart rhythm, Heart failure, Myocardial infarction, Chest pain.

What is Dr. Swati singh education qualification?

Dr. Swati singh is a Cardiologist by training and has completed their DM Cardiology from AIIMS New Delhi in 2017.

What is the address of Dr. Swati singh's clinic?

Dr. Swati singh currently practices at Horizon heart which is located at: Sector 49, Gurgaon

How many years of experince Dr. Swati singh have?

Dr. Swati singh has over 15 years of clinical experience.

How to book Dr. Swati singh Cardiologist appointment?

To book an appointment with Dr. Swati singh, you can book an online appointment with Eka Care or visit their clinic offline at: Sector 49, Gurgaon

Can I book Dr. Swati singh for online counsultation?

Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Swati singh. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.

What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Swati singh?

The consultation fee for Dr. Swati singh may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.

What are the consultation timings of Dr. Swati singh for an appointment?

The consultation timings for Dr. Swati singh may vary depending on the location and type of consultation. You can check their availability on their appointment calendar for booking a slot.

Their general consultation hours are:

Mon - Sat
02:00 PM - 08:00 PM
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

What languages are spoken by Dr. Swati singh?

Dr. Swati singh is fluent in English and हिंदी.
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