Which area does Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh practice?
Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh is a Psychiatrist practicing in Lucknow.
Why do patients visit Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh?
Patients consult Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh for the treatment of Anemia, Atrophy of vagina, Depressed, Sciatica, Kidney disease, Pseudomonas infection, Bone disease, Cholecystitis, Multiple myeloma, Pneumonia, Pneumonia due to E. coli, Uterine prolapse, Osteoporosis, Meningitis, Migraine, High blood cholesterol/triglycerides, Deficiency of SGOT, Deficiency of SGPT, Malaria, Placenta praevia found during pregnancy without haemorrhage, Writer's cramp, Osteophyte of bone, Dengue, Renal disease due to hypertension, Cystitis, Thalassaemia, Gastric peptic ulcer, Hepatitis A, Leukaemia, Lipoma, Chronic pancreatitis, Hepatitis B, Ulcer in the mouth, Gallbladder calculus, Liver cancer, Ovarian cyst, Breast tumor, Pseudomonal pneumonia, Thyroid disease, Fistula, CA - Cancer of prostate, Pcod / pcos, Ulcer, Gonorrhea, Fibroid, Renal calculi, Herpes zoster, Hepatitis, Anal fissure, Prostate disease, Typhoid fever, Tuberculosis, Hormone disturbance, E. coli infection, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Cholelithiasis, Dysmenorrhea, Klebsiella infection, Cancer, Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis and no obstruction, Atrophy of kidney, Genetic disease, CA - Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Brain tumor, Follicular cyst of ovary, Atrophy of penis, Liver cirrhosis, Atrophy of breast, Diabetes, Klebsiella cystitis, Diabetes mellitus type 1, Depressed feeling, Anxiety, Thyroid disorder, Increased lipid, Suppressed emotion, Low libido, Serum bilirubin raised, ALT (SGPT) level abnormal, AST/SGOT level abnormal, Serum creatinine abnormal, Serum creatinine raised, Abnormal cholesterol, Fear about sex, Amenorrhea, Cervical pain, Leucorrhoea, Menopausal problem, Sugar high, Acidity / heartburn, Sexual dysfunction, Backache, Paralysis, Masturbation, Jaundice.
What is Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh's specialization?
Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh specializes in the treatment of Anemia, Atrophy of vagina, Depressed, Sciatica, Kidney disease, Pseudomonas infection, Bone disease, Cholecystitis, Multiple myeloma, Pneumonia, Pneumonia due to E. coli, Uterine prolapse, Osteoporosis, Meningitis, Migraine, High blood cholesterol/triglycerides, Deficiency of SGOT, Deficiency of SGPT, Malaria, Placenta praevia found during pregnancy without haemorrhage, Writer's cramp, Osteophyte of bone, Dengue, Renal disease due to hypertension, Cystitis, Thalassaemia, Gastric peptic ulcer, Hepatitis A, Leukaemia, Lipoma, Chronic pancreatitis, Hepatitis B, Ulcer in the mouth, Gallbladder calculus, Liver cancer, Ovarian cyst, Breast tumor, Pseudomonal pneumonia, Thyroid disease, Fistula, CA - Cancer of prostate, Pcod / pcos, Ulcer, Gonorrhea, Fibroid, Renal calculi, Herpes zoster, Hepatitis, Anal fissure, Prostate disease, Typhoid fever, Tuberculosis, Hormone disturbance, E. coli infection, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Cholelithiasis, Dysmenorrhea, Klebsiella infection, Cancer, Gallbladder calculus with acute cholecystitis and no obstruction, Atrophy of kidney, Genetic disease, CA - Breast cancer, Prostate cancer, Brain tumor, Follicular cyst of ovary, Atrophy of penis, Liver cirrhosis, Atrophy of breast, Diabetes, Klebsiella cystitis, Diabetes mellitus type 1, Depressed feeling, Anxiety, Thyroid disorder, Increased lipid, Suppressed emotion, Low libido, Serum bilirubin raised, ALT (SGPT) level abnormal, AST/SGOT level abnormal, Serum creatinine abnormal, Serum creatinine raised, Abnormal cholesterol, Fear about sex, Amenorrhea, Cervical pain, Leucorrhoea, Menopausal problem, Sugar high, Acidity / heartburn, Sexual dysfunction, Backache, Paralysis, Masturbation, Jaundice.
What is the address of Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh's clinic?
Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh currently practices at RISHIRAJ HOMOEOPATHY which is located at: Lucknow
How many years of experince Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh have?
Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh has over 5 years of clinical experience.
How to book Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh Psychiatrist appointment?
To book an appointment with Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh, you can book an online appointment with
Eka Care or visit their clinic offline at: Lucknow
Can I book Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh for online counsultation?
Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.
What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh?
The consultation fee for Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.
What are the consultation timings of Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh for an appointment?
The consultation timings for Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh may vary depending on the location and type of consultation. You can check their availability on their appointment calendar for booking a slot.
Their general consultation hours are:
Mon - Tue
11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
05:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Fri - Sun
11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
05:00 PM - 08:00 PM
What languages are spoken by Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh?
Dr. Sushil Kumar Singh is fluent in English and हिंदी.