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Dr. Renu Kundu

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Dr. Renu Kundu
Registration No : A-4297

Dr. Renu Kundu

Prosthodontist in Gurugram, India
Video Consultation
In-clinic visits
25 yrs
Overall Experience
About the doctor
Dr. Renu Kundu is a Dental Surgeon, Prosthodontist, Implantologist and a fellow of Aesthetic medicine. She has an experience of 15 years in these fields. She has done her MDS from Post Graduate Institute of Dental sciences, Rohtak which is one of the most reputed and top three Government Dental colleges of India. She was awarded a Gold medal for her outstanding performance during MDS at PGIDS, Rohtak. She is a member of Indian Prosthodontic Society and executive member of IPS Haryana State Branch. She is a specialist in making Dentures, crown & bridges,Implants and replacing missing ear, nose and limbs. She also holds a vast experience in handling patients with cleft lip & palate and missing parts of the oral cavity due to cancer. She has done fellowship in Aesthetic medicine from one of the renowned institutes which is affiliated to the University of Grifthswald, Germany. She is specialist in PRP therapy for lost hair regrowth and facial rejuvenation, chemical peels, Botox, fillers and laser hair reduction. They have a team of consultants including Dr. Rekha Jakhar who is an Orthodontist, specialist in aligning crooked and mal-aligned teeth & providing beautiful smiles to patients; and Dr. Lalita Singhal and Dr. Komal Saini, who are Periodontists, specialist in treating gum diseases and tooth cleaning & whitening treatments.
haryana medical council, 2000
Rejove Facio-dent Clinique
SF-2-12, Second Floor, Reach 3 Roads mall, Sector-70, Gurugram, Haryana -122008, gurgaon, haryana, India, 122103
Educational Qualifications
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Frequently Asked Questions

Which area does Dr. Renu Kundu practice?

Dr. Renu Kundu is a Prosthodontist practicing in Gurgaon.

What is Dr. Renu Kundu education qualification?

Dr. Renu Kundu is a Prosthodontist by training and has completed her MDS and MBBS.

What is the address of Dr. Renu Kundu's clinic?

Dr. Renu Kundu currently practices at Rejove Facio-dent Clinique which is located at: SF-2-12, Second Floor, Reach 3 Roads mall, Sector-70, Gurugram, Haryana -122008, Gurgaon

How many years of experince Dr. Renu Kundu have?

Dr. Renu Kundu has over 25 years of clinical experience.

How to book Dr. Renu Kundu Prosthodontist appointment?

To book an appointment with Dr. Renu Kundu, you can book an online appointment with Eka Care or visit her clinic offline at: SF-2-12, Second Floor, Reach 3 Roads mall, Sector-70, Gurugram, Haryana -122008, Gurgaon

Can I book Dr. Renu Kundu for online counsultation?

Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Renu Kundu. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.

What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Renu Kundu?

The consultation fee for Dr. Renu Kundu may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.
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