Which area does Dr. Nitin Jain practice?
Dr. Nitin Jain is a GastroIntestinal Surgeon practicing in Mumbai.
Why do patients visit Dr. Nitin Jain?
Patients consult Dr. Nitin Jain for the treatment of Amebic liver abscess, Cholecystitis, Diverticulitis of colon, Pseudocyst of pancreas, Inguinal hernia, Umbilical hernia, Rectal bleeding, Acute cholecystitis, Ventral hernia, Obstruction of colon, Dysphagia, Chronic pancreatitis, Small bowel perforation, Small intestinal gangrene, Gallstone, Pancreatic duct calculus, Splenic cyst, Intestinal obstruction, Incisional hernia, Abscess of liver, Splenic abscess, Colonic polyp, Splenomegaly, Cholelithiasis, Necrosis of pancreas, Gallbladder Ca, Cancer of colon, Pancreatic cancer, Rectal prolapse, Small bowel obstruction, Acute pancreatitis, Liver cyst, Achalasia of cardia, Liver cirrhosis, Tuberculosis of abdomen, Gallbladder and bile duct calculi, Abdominal pain, Regurgitation, Rectal mass, Heartburn, Rectal discharge, Blood in vomit, Jaundice.
What is Dr. Nitin Jain's specialization?
Dr. Nitin Jain specializes in the treatment of Amebic liver abscess, Cholecystitis, Diverticulitis of colon, Pseudocyst of pancreas, Inguinal hernia, Umbilical hernia, Rectal bleeding, Acute cholecystitis, Ventral hernia, Obstruction of colon, Dysphagia, Chronic pancreatitis, Small bowel perforation, Small intestinal gangrene, Gallstone, Pancreatic duct calculus, Splenic cyst, Intestinal obstruction, Incisional hernia, Abscess of liver, Splenic abscess, Colonic polyp, Splenomegaly, Cholelithiasis, Necrosis of pancreas, Gallbladder Ca, Cancer of colon, Pancreatic cancer, Rectal prolapse, Small bowel obstruction, Acute pancreatitis, Liver cyst, Achalasia of cardia, Liver cirrhosis, Tuberculosis of abdomen, Gallbladder and bile duct calculi, Abdominal pain, Regurgitation, Rectal mass, Heartburn, Rectal discharge, Blood in vomit, Jaundice.
What is Dr. Nitin Jain education qualification?
Dr. Nitin Jain is a GastroIntestinal Surgeon by training and has completed his Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery from University of Stasbourg France in 2017, DNB Surgical Gastroenterology from GS Medical College & KEM Hospital Mumbai in 2012, MS General Surgery from BJ Medical College University of Pune in 2006, DNB General Surgery from Sassoon General Hospital NBE New Delhi in 2006 and MBBS from ACPM Medical College North Maharashtra University in 2000.
What is the address of Dr. Nitin Jain's clinic?
Dr. Nitin Jain currently practices at Gastro Surgery Clinic which is located at: 7-8 XL Plaza , IIT Market Opposite IIT Maingate, Tirandaz , Powai , Mumbai 400076, Mumbai
How many years of experince Dr. Nitin Jain have?
Dr. Nitin Jain has over 20 years of clinical experience.
How to book Dr. Nitin Jain GastroIntestinal Surgeon appointment?
To book an appointment with Dr. Nitin Jain, you can book an online appointment with
Eka Care or visit his clinic offline at: 7-8 XL Plaza , IIT Market Opposite IIT Maingate, Tirandaz , Powai , Mumbai 400076, Mumbai
Can I book Dr. Nitin Jain for online counsultation?
Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Nitin Jain. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.
What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Nitin Jain?
The consultation fee for Dr. Nitin Jain may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.
What are the consultation timings of Dr. Nitin Jain for an appointment?
The consultation timings for Dr. Nitin Jain may vary depending on the location and type of consultation. You can check his availability on his appointment calendar for booking a slot.
His general consultation hours are:
Mon - Sat
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
04:00 PM - 07:00 PM
What languages are spoken by Dr. Nitin Jain?
Dr. Nitin Jain is fluent in English, हिंदी and मराठी.