What does Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma treat?
Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma has an experience of 12 years as a general physician in Bahadurgarh, specialized in treatment of Malaria, Hypertension, Dengue, Chicken pox, Fracture, Gastric peptic ulcer, GERD - Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, COVID-19, Urticaria, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Gastritis, Skin abnormality, Haemorrhoid, Typhoid fever, Scabies, URTI - Viral upper respiratory tract infection, Arthritis, Loose motions, Abdominal pain, Nose is bleeding, Abnormal ECG, Standard chest X-ray abnormal, Low back ache, Breathlessness, Fever, Cold, etc. If you are looking for a good general physicianin Bahadurgarh, Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma is the right choice for expert care and treatment needs.
Which area does Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma practice?
Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma is a General Physician practicing in Bahadurgarh.
Why do patients visit Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma?
Patients consult Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma for the treatment of Malaria, Hypertension, Dengue, Chicken pox, Fracture, Gastric peptic ulcer, GERD - Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, COVID-19, Urticaria, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Gastritis, Skin abnormality, Haemorrhoid, Typhoid fever, Scabies, URTI - Viral upper respiratory tract infection, Arthritis, Loose motions, Abdominal pain, Nose is bleeding, Abnormal ECG, Standard chest X-ray abnormal, Low back ache, Breathlessness, Fever, Cold.
What is Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma's specialization?
Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma specializes in the treatment of Malaria, Hypertension, Dengue, Chicken pox, Fracture, Gastric peptic ulcer, GERD - Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, COVID-19, Urticaria, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Gastritis, Skin abnormality, Haemorrhoid, Typhoid fever, Scabies, URTI - Viral upper respiratory tract infection, Arthritis, Loose motions, Abdominal pain, Nose is bleeding, Abnormal ECG, Standard chest X-ray abnormal, Low back ache, Breathlessness, Fever, Cold.
What is Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma education qualification?
Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma is a General Physician by training and has completed their and MBBS from Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College in 2013.
What is the address of Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma's clinic?
Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma currently practices at Bahadurgarh.
How many years of experince Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma have?
Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma has over 12 years of clinical experience.
How to book Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma General Physician appointment?
To book an appointment with Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma, you can book an online appointment with
Eka Care or visit their clinic offline at: Bahadurgarh
Can I book Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma for online counsultation?
Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.
What is the counsultion fees for Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma?
The consultation fee for Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.
What languages are spoken by Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma?
Dr. (Maj) Aditya Sharma is fluent in English, हिंदी and ਪੰਜਾਬੀ.