Which area does Dr. Charmi Shah practice?
Dr. Charmi Shah is a obstetrician and gyanecologist practicing in Ahmedabad.
Why do patients visit Dr. Charmi Shah?
Patients consult Dr. Charmi Shah for the treatment of Adenomyosis of fallopian tube, Fallopian tube and broad ligament anomalies, Pregnancy-induced hypertension, Empty gestational sac with ongoing pregnancy, Ovarian disorder, Prolonged gestation, Placenta praevia, Neoplasm of ovary, Adenocarcinoma of endometrium, Endometrial polyp, Gestational diabetes, Ovarian dysfunction, Descens uteri, Ovarian failure, Heavy for gestation age infant, Placenta praevia found during pregnancy without haemorrhage, Large for gestational dates, Uterine disease, Benign ovarian tumor, Gestational proteinuria, Vaginal atrophy, Twin pregnancy, Polyp of cervix, Hemorrhage in uterus, Uterine cancer, Torsion of ovary, Placenta circummarginate, Fallopian pregnancy, Ovarian cyst, Pre-eclampsia, Fallopian tube abscess, Premature detachment of normally implanted placenta, Chronic lower uti, Metastasis to ovary, Anemia of pregnancy, Carcinoma of fallopian tube, Ectopic pregnancy, Adenomyosis of uterus, Fallopian tube absent acquired, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Endometrial hyperplasia, Blocked fallopian tube, Uterine fibroid, Pregnancy and impaired glucose tolerance, UTI - Urinary tract infection, UTI - urinary tract infection in pregnancy, Acute uti, Inflammation of vagina, Dry vagina, Incompetence of cervix, Cancer cervix, Ovarian ca, Recurrent UTI - urinary tract infection, Candidiasis of vagina, Uterovaginal prolapse, Endometrial cystic hyperplasia, Bacterial uti, Fallot's tetralogy, Gestational diabetes mellitus, class A>2<, Vaginal bleed following sex, Pregnancy confirmed, Vagina aches, Not getting pregnant, Uterus and adnexae involved by direct extension of malignant neoplasm, Gestational age unknown, Ovary felt at vaginal fornix, Uterus absent, Seen by gynecologist, Pregnancy test positive, Pregnancy test negative, Vagina appears abnormal, Swelling of vagina, Fallopian tube absent, Ovary absent, Ovary problem, Mass of ovary, Gynae. symptom change, Irritation in the vagina, Seen in gynecology clinic, Uterine enlargement.
What is Dr. Charmi Shah's specialization?
Dr. Charmi Shah specializes in the treatment of Adenomyosis of fallopian tube, Fallopian tube and broad ligament anomalies, Pregnancy-induced hypertension, Empty gestational sac with ongoing pregnancy, Ovarian disorder, Prolonged gestation, Placenta praevia, Neoplasm of ovary, Adenocarcinoma of endometrium, Endometrial polyp, Gestational diabetes, Ovarian dysfunction, Descens uteri, Ovarian failure, Heavy for gestation age infant, Placenta praevia found during pregnancy without haemorrhage, Large for gestational dates, Uterine disease, Benign ovarian tumor, Gestational proteinuria, Vaginal atrophy, Twin pregnancy, Polyp of cervix, Hemorrhage in uterus, Uterine cancer, Torsion of ovary, Placenta circummarginate, Fallopian pregnancy, Ovarian cyst, Pre-eclampsia, Fallopian tube abscess, Premature detachment of normally implanted placenta, Chronic lower uti, Metastasis to ovary, Anemia of pregnancy, Carcinoma of fallopian tube, Ectopic pregnancy, Adenomyosis of uterus, Fallopian tube absent acquired, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Endometrial hyperplasia, Blocked fallopian tube, Uterine fibroid, Pregnancy and impaired glucose tolerance, UTI - Urinary tract infection, UTI - urinary tract infection in pregnancy, Acute uti, Inflammation of vagina, Dry vagina, Incompetence of cervix, Cancer cervix, Ovarian ca, Recurrent UTI - urinary tract infection, Candidiasis of vagina, Uterovaginal prolapse, Endometrial cystic hyperplasia, Bacterial uti, Fallot's tetralogy, Gestational diabetes mellitus, class A>2<, Vaginal bleed following sex, Pregnancy confirmed, Vagina aches, Not getting pregnant, Uterus and adnexae involved by direct extension of malignant neoplasm, Gestational age unknown, Ovary felt at vaginal fornix, Uterus absent, Seen by gynecologist, Pregnancy test positive, Pregnancy test negative, Vagina appears abnormal, Swelling of vagina, Fallopian tube absent, Ovary absent, Ovary problem, Mass of ovary, Gynae. symptom change, Irritation in the vagina, Seen in gynecology clinic, Uterine enlargement.
What is Dr. Charmi Shah education qualification?
Dr. Charmi Shah is a obstetrician and gyanecologist by training and has completed her M.S.OBGY from PSMC in 2021 and MBBS from CUSMC in 2018.
What is the address of Dr. Charmi Shah's clinic?
Dr. Charmi Shah currently practices at ahmedabad.
How many years of experince Dr. Charmi Shah have?
Dr. Charmi Shah has over 4 years of clinical experience.
How to book Dr. Charmi Shah obstetrician and gyanecologist appointment?
To book an appointment with Dr. Charmi Shah, you can book an online appointment with
Eka Care or visit her clinic offline at: Ahmedabad
Can I book Dr. Charmi Shah for online counsultation?
Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Charmi Shah. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.
What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Charmi Shah?
The consultation fee for Dr. Charmi Shah may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.
What languages are spoken by Dr. Charmi Shah?
Dr. Charmi Shah is fluent in English, ગુજરાતી and हिंदी.