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Dr. Ashwin Yadav

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Dr. Ashwin Yadav

Dr. Ashwin Yadav

Pulmonologist in Agra, India
Dr Ashwin Yadav, Tuberculosis and chest Diseases Specialist, serving patients of agra and near by areas. If you are searching for the best Tuberculous and chest Diseases Specialist in Agra, then Dr. Ashwin Yadav is a good choice. Dr. Ashwin Yadav is one of the best Tuberculous and chest Diseases Specialist in Agra. He has more than 10 years of clinical experience. They have done Dnb - Pulmonary Medicine from Apollo delhi, He was consultant in MEDANTA Lucknow. He is best in Critical Care as he has done his idccm from kgmu Lucknow He is practicing as a leading pulmonologist in various big hospitals in agra.
Video Consultation
In-clinic visits
12 yrs
Overall Experience
English | हिंदी
About the doctor
Dr Ashwin Yadav Best Chest specialist in agra Pulmonologist in agra Best pulmonologist in agra Best chest specialist in agra Chest doctor in agra Chest doctor agra Best lungs dr in agra Best asthma doctor in agra Best ild doctor in agra
Commonly treats
ILD - Interstitial lung disease
Copd - chronic obstructive lung disease
uttar pradesh medical council
Dr Ashwin Yadav! Best Chest Specialist in agra! Former Consultant Medanta Hospital
Mon - Sun :
09:00 AM - 08:30 PM 
Payment Modes Accepted:
Credit/Debit Cards
Covid Protocols:
appointment required
mask required
walk in
staff get temperature check
staff require to disinfect surfaces between visits
staff wear mask
temperature check required
Clinic Amenities:
wheelchair accessible elevator
wheelchair accessible entrance
wheelchair accessible restroom
wheelchair accessible seating
gender neutral restroom
assistive hearing loop
Payment Modes Accepted:
Credit/Debit Cards
Covid Protocols:
appointment required
mask required
walk in
staff get temperature check
staff require to disinfect surfaces between visits
staff wear mask
temperature check required
Clinic Amenities:
wheelchair accessible elevator
wheelchair accessible entrance
wheelchair accessible restroom
wheelchair accessible seating
gender neutral restroom
assistive hearing loop
Consultant , 2022 - 2023
Educational Qualifications
Mbbs dnb idccm - 2018
DNB - 2015
Social Media
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Invite Link
Use the invite code to add Dr. Ashwin Yadav to your list of doctors on the Eka App

Google Reviews

Manthan Chaudhary
Manthan Chaudhary
1 year ago
Best chest specialist in agra
deepak soni
deepak soni
1 year ago
I strongly recommend him for any chest related problem
Asmita Chaurasia
Asmita Chaurasia
2 years ago
Best chest physician in agra
Ankush Kumar
Ankush Kumar
2 years ago
Best chest specialist in agra
Ashi Gupta
Ashi Gupta
2 years ago
Dr.Ashwin Yadav is one of the best and most caring doctor I have ever seen. Very compassionate and knowledgeable.He will give you proper time and will explain each and everything related to your testing and disease both.Very transparent and polite. Thanks for all your treatment and support.
Mohammad Naushad
Mohammad Naushad
2 years ago
Good Conversation
Vinay Kumar
Vinay Kumar
2 years ago
Dr is the best because I was treated last two months now results is so good. He is treat with full satisfaction. Thanks doctor l am so Happy
Aditi Singh
Aditi Singh
2 years ago
best chest specialist in agra
yashi Warrior
yashi Warrior
2 years ago
Best pulmonologist in Agra Best allergy specialist in Agra Best chest specialist in Agra
Pooja Saini
Pooja Saini
2 years ago
Dr Ashwin Yadav has very deep knowledge about chest problem,lungs infection, asthma problem, respiratory problems.highly recommend

Frequently Asked Questions

Which area does Dr. Ashwin Yadav practice?

Dr. Ashwin Yadav is a Pulmonologist practicing in Agra.

Why do patients visit Dr. Ashwin Yadav?

Patients consult Dr. Ashwin Yadav for the treatment of Pneumonia, ILD - Interstitial lung disease, Copd - chronic obstructive lung disease, Asthma, Allergy.

What is Dr. Ashwin Yadav's specialization?

Dr. Ashwin Yadav specializes in the treatment of Pneumonia, ILD - Interstitial lung disease, Copd - chronic obstructive lung disease, Asthma, Allergy.

What is Dr. Ashwin Yadav education qualification?

Dr. Ashwin Yadav is a Pulmonologist by training and has completed their DNB from APOLLO in 2015 and MBBS from Medanta in 2018.

What is the address of Dr. Ashwin Yadav's clinic?

Dr. Ashwin Yadav currently practices at Dr Ashwin Yadav! Best Chest Specialist in agra! Former Consultant Medanta Hospital which is located at: Agra

How many years of experince Dr. Ashwin Yadav have?

Dr. Ashwin Yadav has over 12 years of clinical experience.

How to book Dr. Ashwin Yadav Pulmonologist appointment?

To book an appointment with Dr. Ashwin Yadav, you can book an online appointment with Eka Care or visit their clinic offline at: Agra

Can I book Dr. Ashwin Yadav for online counsultation?

Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Ashwin Yadav. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.

What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Ashwin Yadav?

The consultation fee for Dr. Ashwin Yadav may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.

What are the consultation timings of Dr. Ashwin Yadav for an appointment?

The consultation timings for Dr. Ashwin Yadav may vary depending on the location and type of consultation. You can check their availability on their appointment calendar for booking a slot.

Their general consultation hours are:

Mon - Sun
09:00 AM - 08:30 PM

What languages are spoken by Dr. Ashwin Yadav?

Dr. Ashwin Yadav is fluent in English and हिंदी.
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