Which area does Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu practice?
Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu is a ayurveda specialist practicing in Bengaluru.
Why do patients visit Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu?
Patients consult Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu for the treatment of Hyper Pigmentation, Hyperthyroidism, Dengue Treatment , Hypertension , Fever Treatment, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Facial Palsy, Pregnancy Yoga, Fissure , Irritable Bowel Syndrome , Dry Skin Treatment, Alopecia , Migraine, Skin Rashes Treatment, Hairfall Treatment, Sebatious Dermatitis, PCOD/PCOS Treatment, Food Poisoning , Migraine Treatment, Dandruff Treat, Yoga during Pregnancy, Sinus, Shoulder Hand Syndrome , Psoriasis Treatment, Rheumatoid Arthritis , Cold Treatment, Fatty Liver Disease , Tension Headache, Dandruff Treatment, Hairfall Treatment, Acne Treatment, Hypothyroidis, Allergies , Tendonitis of hand, Tendonitis of wrist, Amoebic liver abscess, Pancreatitis, Stroke, Sciatica, Hemiplegia, Irritable bowel syndrome, Kidney disease, Cholecystitis, Sinusitis, Tendonitis of foot, Motor neuron disease, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Allergic rhinitis, Polymyalgia rheumatica, Hypertension, Gastric ulcer, Peptic ulcer, Gallbladder stones, Insomnia, Ankylosing spondylitis, Tendonitis, Frozen shoulder, Gastritis, Stroke and migraine, Sinus congestion, Ulcer, Acute inflammation of sinus, Gallstone pancreatitis, Urinary stone, Alopecia areata, Urinary tract infection, Hepatitis, Piles, Cervical spondylosis, Typhoid fever, Eczema, Bladder stone, Rheumatic gout, Psoriatic arthritis, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Bursitis, Saddle gall, Esophageal reflux with esophagitis, BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Lumbar spondylosis, Reactive arthritis, Varicose veins, Liver cirrhosis, Plantar fasciitis, Diabetes, Diabetes mellitus type 1, Tendonitis of finger, Diarrhea, Thyroid disorder, Skin pigmentation, Abnormal cholesterol, Calcaneal spur, Hypercholesterolemia well controlled, Acidity / heartburn, Jaundice, Chronic sinus problem, Fever, Cold.
What is Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu's specialization?
Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu specializes in the treatment of Hyper Pigmentation, Hyperthyroidism, Dengue Treatment , Hypertension , Fever Treatment, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Facial Palsy, Pregnancy Yoga, Fissure , Irritable Bowel Syndrome , Dry Skin Treatment, Alopecia , Migraine, Skin Rashes Treatment, Hairfall Treatment, Sebatious Dermatitis, PCOD/PCOS Treatment, Food Poisoning , Migraine Treatment, Dandruff Treat, Yoga during Pregnancy, Sinus, Shoulder Hand Syndrome , Psoriasis Treatment, Rheumatoid Arthritis , Cold Treatment, Fatty Liver Disease , Tension Headache, Dandruff Treatment, Hairfall Treatment, Acne Treatment, Hypothyroidis, Allergies , Tendonitis of hand, Tendonitis of wrist, Amoebic liver abscess, Pancreatitis, Stroke, Sciatica, Hemiplegia, Irritable bowel syndrome, Kidney disease, Cholecystitis, Sinusitis, Tendonitis of foot, Motor neuron disease, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Allergic rhinitis, Polymyalgia rheumatica, Hypertension, Gastric ulcer, Peptic ulcer, Gallbladder stones, Insomnia, Ankylosing spondylitis, Tendonitis, Frozen shoulder, Gastritis, Stroke and migraine, Sinus congestion, Ulcer, Acute inflammation of sinus, Gallstone pancreatitis, Urinary stone, Alopecia areata, Urinary tract infection, Hepatitis, Piles, Cervical spondylosis, Typhoid fever, Eczema, Bladder stone, Rheumatic gout, Psoriatic arthritis, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Bursitis, Saddle gall, Esophageal reflux with esophagitis, BPH - benign prostatic hyperplasia, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Lumbar spondylosis, Reactive arthritis, Varicose veins, Liver cirrhosis, Plantar fasciitis, Diabetes, Diabetes mellitus type 1, Tendonitis of finger, Diarrhea, Thyroid disorder, Skin pigmentation, Abnormal cholesterol, Calcaneal spur, Hypercholesterolemia well controlled, Acidity / heartburn, Jaundice, Chronic sinus problem, Fever, Cold.
What is Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu education qualification?
Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu is a ayurveda specialist by training and has completed their Pursuing - Diploma in Applied Nutrition Food Science and Diatetics from NFNA, Kolkata in 2024, Professional Diploma in Ayurvedic Cosmetology from Ayuraksha Institute of Ayurvedic Cosmetology, Kerala in 2022, Post Graduate Diploma in Naturopathy and Yoga Management from Global Institute of Health Science in 2019, Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine (BAMS) from SDM Ayurvedic College, Udupi affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in 2002.
What is the address of Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu's clinic?
Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu currently practices at Ayurvedic Care & Consultation by Dr. AjaiRani which is located at: Gopalan Atlantis, Ecc Rd, Dodsworth Layout, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066, Ecc Rd, Dodsworth Layout, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066, Bengaluru
How many years of experince Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu have?
Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu has over 22 years of clinical experience.
How to book Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu ayurveda specialist appointment?
To book an appointment with Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu, you can book an online appointment with
Eka Care or visit their clinic offline at: Gopalan Atlantis, Ecc Rd, Dodsworth Layout, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066, Ecc Rd, Dodsworth Layout, Whitefield, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066, Bengaluru
Can I book Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu for online counsultation?
Yes, you can book an online consultation with Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu. You can either book it through eka care website and your appointment will be confirmed by the doctor instantly.
What is the counsultion fees for Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu?
The consultation fee for Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu may vary depending on the type of consultation. It is best to contact the clinic post your appointment for the exact charges.
What are the consultation timings of Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu for an appointment?
The consultation timings for Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu may vary depending on the location and type of consultation. You can check their availability on their appointment calendar for booking a slot.
Their general consultation hours are:
What languages are spoken by Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu?
Dr. Ajay Rani Nibu is fluent in English, हिंदी and മലയാളം.