Dr. Promise Jain Diabetes thyroid expert
Dr. Promise Jain Diabetes thyroid expert
Nia pathology, Link toad, na, na, India, 470002
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Dr. Promise Jain Diabetes thyroid expert
Nia pathology, Link toad, na, na, India, 470002
Nia pathology, Link toad, na, na, India, 470002
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Dr. Promise Jain
Internal medicine in Sagar | 22 years exp.
Diastolic hypertension | Hypertension induced by pregnancy | Diabetes mellitus with neuropathy | Benign hypertension | Malaria | Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only | Hypertension | Dengue | Underactive thyroid | Overactive thyroid | Tuberculosis of cervical lymph nodes | Thyroid disease | Typhoid fever | Tuberculosis | Diabetes mellitus type 2 | Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis | Diabetes | Diabetes mellitus type 1 | Diarrhea | Thyroid disorder | Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled | Fever | Cold
English | हिंदी
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